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Hurricane Season:1955

Individual hurricane/tropical storm summary.
Including all wind speed, central pressure, position, tracking chart, and storm category information for each hurricane or tropical storm advisory issued.
1955 Hurricane Season - back to view information on this year's hurricane season.
Maximum Wind speed:87mph (75 knots) mph (miles per hour) for NOTNAMED
Lowest central pressure:10000 mb (millibars) for NOTNAMED
| Hurricane Season Full Summary | Hurricane Names | Return to main page.
Storm name:NOTNAMED
Maximum wind speed:87 mph, (75 knots)
Lowest central pressure: unknown
Advisory Start Date:1955/10/16/0000Z
Advisory End Date:1955/10/16/1200Z

Full year storm tracks:


Storm name:NOTNAMED
Maximum wind speed:87 mph, (75 knots)
Lowest central pressure: unknown
Advisory Start Date:1955/10/16/0000Z
Advisory End Date:1955/10/16/1200Z

Name:NOTNAMED/Date:1955/10/16/0000Z/Latitude:15.900/Longitude:-104.200/Wind:87mph (75 knots) /Central Pressure:0/Category:Hurricane - Category 1
Name:NOTNAMED/Date:1955/10/16/0600Z/Latitude:17.000/Longitude:-104.400/Wind:87mph (75 knots) /Central Pressure:0/Category:Hurricane - Category 1
Name:NOTNAMED/Date:1955/10/16/1200Z/Latitude:18.300/Longitude:-104.800/Wind:87mph (75 knots) /Central Pressure:0/Category:Hurricane - Category 1

1955 Hurricane Season page
All information from the official hurricane advisories or widely agreed upon historical records.
| Hurricane Season Full Summary | Hurricane Names | Return to main page.
Official Hurricane and Tropical Storm Tracks for the East-Central Pacific

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